Fast & Furious (also known as Fast & Furious 4) is the fourth installment of The Fast and Furious film series. Actors Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster reprise their roles in the film.Fast & Furious is set between the second and the third film where the character Han (Sung Kang) is introduced before he dies in The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift.
Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) or better known as Dom is a wanted man for hijacking gasoline trucks. There is a 20-minute prequel showing the days where Dom and Letty are together in Dominican Republic, together with Han and a few others. When the FBI’s are closing on Dom, he leaves Letty and heads for Panama. But as soon as Dom learns that Letty has been killed, he heads to LA, where he vows to take revenge on the drug lord.
Dom and Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) are hooked up by David Park, a mechanic to enter an illegal racing where the winners get to work for a man called Braga. Both Dom and O’Conner manage to finish first and second place respectively and they are transported to Mexico together with a couple of other previous winners without realizing their job is to do drug trafficking across US borders.
While the movie takes a slower dimension in terms of street racing, director Justin Lin takes us to a new whole level of car chasing by including underground tunnels. However good this movie is, it is never as good as Death Race. Somehow, it is good for entertainment values.
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